
Frequently Asked Questions


NBN Installation


FTTC(新引进!)——光纤到路边是NBN最新的接入技术。将光纤电缆牵引到靠近房屋的路边,然后通过现有的铜线引入家里。NBN的连接设备(简称NCD)和家里的主电话线口连接,再通过路由器连接NCD,就可以使用网络了。 FTTN——光纤到节点是把光纤电缆连接到最近的节点,然后信号沿着现有的铜线往下连接到住户家里的主电话墙。这种连接类型需要兼容VDSL 2的路由器来支持。
FTTB——光纤到大楼是使用光纤电缆一直连接到大楼通信室的共享点,然后从这里通过现有的铜线连接到每一个住户家里。这种连接类型需要兼容VDSL 2的路由器来支持。

大多数用户会把NBN提供的理论值当成实际的下载速度,但当网络连接到家里时,会受到一些其他因素的影响(比如您连接的设备等)。 以下是关于NBN( FTTP、FTTN/B、FTTC, HFC)网速推荐表:
Plan nbn12 nbn25 nbn50 nbn100 nbn250
适用于: 网络电话、邮件 观看标清视频、听音乐、1-2人在线游戏 观看高清视频、在线游戏、多设备联机、大量下载文件 观看4K超清视频、在线游戏、多设备联机、批量下载文件 观看4K超清视频、在线游戏、多设备联机、批量下载文件、网速要求高
适用人群 1-2人 1-2人 家庭和游戏用户 家庭、游戏用户和网络需求量大的客户 家庭、游戏用户和网络需求量大的客户
网速 关于选择合适网速的建议
基本(nbn12) 基本网速适合于连接1-2台设备的单人用户、或对网络速度要求不高的用户。
加强 (nbn25)) 加强套餐适合 1-2 个宽带用户使用,提供比基本套餐快一些的网速,可以支持基本的高清视频观看需求。
飞速 (nbn50) - 推荐 飞速计划适合绝大多数家庭使用,可以更好地支持多台设备在线观看 Netflix/YouTube 等高清视频,下载和在线游戏也更加顺畅。
极速(nbn100) 您是否在追求更高的网速计划?极速套餐可以让您感受到极速畅玩和使用的体验。如果您平时在家办公或者有一群爱好游戏的好友,该计划套餐定会满足您的高网速需求。
火箭(nbn250) 超高速计划,适用多仪器和多人家庭。



如果您的地址可以开通NBN光纤网络服务,您只需要在网上选择一个NBN光纤网络服务的网速套餐并注册就可以了。或者您可以拨打我们的客服销售热线1300 299 999。.


OceanDigi为什么默认使用CGNAT? IPV4地址已经枯竭,并且每次获取资源的成本得成倍增加,从而导致可伸缩性问题。OceanDigi选择使用CGNAT作为向多个客户共享当前拥有公共IPv4地址的方法,从而有助于在正在部署IPv6的情况下延长网络中IPv4的寿命。IPv6目前还不算成熟,不能在整个Internet上作为独立的解决方案。

这对用户有什么影响吗? 这不会影响OceanDigi的大部分用户,并且会像往常一样运转,唯一不同的是您的调制解调器和路由器会被分配到不同的IPv4地址。如果您购买了一个附加的静态IP或者您是一名商业用户,您的服务和IP地址将不会更改,您也不会参与到CGNAT中。

这对用户有什么影响吗? 这不会影响OceanDigi的大部分用户,并且会像往常一样运转,唯一不同的是您的调制解调器和路由器会被分配到不同的IPv4地址。如果您购买了一个附加的静态IP或者您是一名商业用户,您的服务和IP地址将不会更改,您也不会参与到CGNAT中。

CGNAT可能无法使用那些功能? 部分功能可能会被影响,这取决于NAT和其服务类型,可能包含以下与端口有关的服务: 服务:网络服务器、电子邮件服务器、文件服务器等 家居用品:安全摄像头系统、智能家居、打印机 远程访问:远程访问电脑和设备 如果您对这些有任何疑问,可以随时联系我们的技术支持团队,获取帮助。

我怎样可以退出呢? 如果您有合理的理由要求退出CGNAT,可以拨打我们的客服热线1300 299 999或者通过LiveChat联系我们,我们将受理您的业务。退出CGNAT会导致您唯一的公共IP地址发生改变,或者您可以选择申请一个静态IP。如果您已经有一个静态IP地址,您就不需要退出CGNAT,并且也不会参与到CGNAT中。

我现在的静态IP有什么问题吗? 没有任何问题,如果您现在的服务包含一个静态IP地址,您可以保留这个IP地址并且不会参与到CGNAT中。您的服务可以不受CGNAT转出的影响而继续生效。


IPv4地址分为公共和私有两种类型。 您的公共IP地址是允许您上网的网络地址。每台想要在线通信的设备都需要一个公共地址。问题是我们的可用公共地址已经耗尽了,购买更多的公共地址是非常昂贵的。





OptiComm Installation

OptiComm is one of Australia’s biggest Fibre-to-the-Premises (FTTP) wholesale network infrastructure carriers, who provide fibre connections to new homes, apartments and business buildings. OptiComm designs, builds, operates and maintains fixed line access, fibre-based telecommunications networks, much like NBNCo does. Opticomm operates an open access telecommunications wholesale service in Australia and have been building fibre infrastructure since 2007. In the open access system, internet service providers (also known as retail service providers) such as 技 purchase bandwidth from wholesale providers (e.g. OptiComm) and deliver internet services to end users.
One of the main differences between OptiComm and NBNCo is the connection technology they use. OptiComm uses FTTP(Fibre to the Premises) technology in most of their projects . FTTP exclusively uses fibre optic cables, enabling the fastest speeds in Australia. FTTP benefits from the higher capacity of a full fibre connection, and will have a more stable connection and speed in general. However, in addition to FTTP, NBNCo also adopts other technologies like a combination of fibre and copper (FTTC, FTTN/B) or fibre and coaxial cable (HFC). FTTC, FTTN/B and HFC technologies may slow down and become unstable during instances of poor weather.
Various speed tiers are available for OptiComm’s fibre internet connections. Opticomm’s broadband plans have maximum download speeds of 12 Megabit per second(Mbps), 25 Mbps, 50 Mpbs, 100 Mbps, 250 Mbps or 1000 Mbps(1Gbps). Currently, the 1Gbps Lightning Plan is the highest internet speed available to residences in Australia. OceanDigi is one of the few OptiComm service providers who can provide the 1Gbps Plan. Customers are able to choose between these plans depending on their speed preference.
Usually Opticomm will be found servicing new or recently developed apartments, estates and communities. In most cases, OptiComm will be the sole fibre provider for a residence, and you will not be able to use NBNCo or other companies’ fibre in OptiComm serviced properties. If you are uncertain about whether OptiComm services your property, our support team will help you check. Even if your residence is not covered by OptiComm, we will help you find the best solution and get you connected quickly and efficiently.
The termination equipment in any telecommunications carrier’s network is called a Optical Network Terminal (ONT). This device may also be referred to as a “fibre box” at times, and some companies may confusingly refer to the ONT by a different name such as NTU (Network Termination Unit). OptiComm refers to this device as the ONT. This device takes the data transmitted from fibre optic cables and converts it to electronic signals that your router can use. In the case of Opticomm’s Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) networks, one ONT can support more than one active internet service.
The New Development Charge is a fee charged for all connections made in areas that the fibre infrastructure provider (e.g. OptiComm) have identified as within the boundary of a new development. Essentially, it means if fibre internet has never been used at a property before, this one-time fee will be charged to the end user no matter which internet service provider is used. The implementation of this fee was a decision made by the Australian government to offset part of the fibre infrastructure’s cost onto “the parties that use or benefit from them”. Service providers (including OceanDigi) charge this fee on behalf of the upstream fibre provider (e.g. OptiComm) when the internet service is activated.
OceanDigi has higher bandwidth and smart internet routing to ensure we provide the speeds we promise. On top of that OceanDigi offers flexible, affordable plans and a selection of hand-picked modems from the world’s best brands. Our customer service team will be glad to help with configuration if you wish to BYO. We are proud of our fantastic customer reviews, and strive to provide the services and customer support to meet the highest standards.


Other Installation